Part 85

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We saw that five months later, Unnav are in different cities while the rest are in Mumbai. Mrunu is still part of damnfam

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While all this was happening in Mumbai, back in Punjab let's see what Unnati is doing in Punjab.


U-Yes mom

M.M-Come lets have lunch 


The two sat and had their lunch since it was Thursday, the day when damnfam videos are mostly shot. Manav's mom wanted to know whether Unnati will be part of this damnfam video or not

M.M-Unnati, what is this weeks damnfam videos idea?

U-Ummm... mom, I don't know


U-Mom you know that I have taken a break from damnfam right... so I don't know what their plans are since they don't discuss it in the group

M.M-Unnati can I ask you something?

U-Yes, mom...

M.M-Beta are you and damnfam fighting? is everything fine between you guys?

Unnati was out of words when she was asked this she did not know what to tell her, she then just masked up her feelings and looked towards Manav's mom.

U-Mom we are all fine... we have not fought... it is just that I am on a break from everything that is why..

U-Mom, I am done eating...i need to get ready

M.M-Where are you going?

U-Umm i am going with dhi for some shopping


Well Seems like Unnati has a lot to say but wants to keep it hidden...

Let's now see what Neerja wanted to tell the boys.

Inside Neerja's office

M-Neerja what did you want to tell us?

N-I wanted to tell you all that please be serious with damnfam videos

M-Neerja we are trying to but I don't know what is wrong with us

N-Manav bhai you guys are missing someone

N-I don't know what is wrong with you guys and Unnati but we as fans really need her back..

M-Neerja there is nothing wrong between us... you know that Unnati is busy so she just took a break

N-Manav bhai.. i think you are trying to ignore all of it but I am not only your manager but also a damnfan so I know when things are not okay between you guys

T-Neerja you are right... we are having a gap but we will solve it soon

N-Just do it fast

Ar-Neerja what's wrong with you today?

N-Bhai i got some sad news today.. an Unnav fan tried to kill herself

M-What? Why?

N-Bhai she was sad thinking that you and Unnati are no more together so she was depressed

M-But that is not true

N-So you need to clarify this to your friends

N-Okay apart from this..I would like to say that I have decided to leave damnfam as a manager


N-Yes.. i cant do it any more

M-Neerja why are you doing this?

N-Bhai i am sorry but what happened outside.. i cant tolerate it anymore

T-Neerja.. we are sorry

N-Bhai please don't say sorry but just allow me to leave

Ar-Neerja will you be happy to leave us

N-Sadly yes I will

Ar-Okay but then just remember that for us you are our manager and you will always be our manager..

N-Thank you bhai..

N-I would just say that you guys are the best people in the world.. and please take each step of yours properly and thoughtfully you have a lot of people involved with you

T-Neerja before you leave can we give you a farewell


T-I think we should go now


When they reached the gate they saw the celebration going on and asked Neerja about it

N-Well it seems like Gauhar and Zaid won Nach baliye

T-Ohh that means that Unnati's team won

N-Yes.. okay guys bye

Neerja went while Tanzeel thought of something.

The three were on their way to damnfam house when Tanzeel spoke

T-Guys do you two know where Unnati is right now?

A-I dont

M-No.. the last time I spoke to her she was in Mumbai and busy with the choreography for Nach

T-I think I know where she is


T-In Punjab

M-Why do you think so?

T-The otherday, I was talking to Anu dhi, I saw a figure behind her... I then thought that I am imagining Unnati there but now I think she is in Mohali

M-To think of it I also saw a hand yesterday when I was talking to mom... the hand had a scrunchie the one Unnati has...

T-The red colour one


T-Guys i have an idea.



So, Guys, the second chapter of the day..

What do you think Tanzu's idea is?

How do you feel about Neerja leaving damnfam?

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