Part 119

953 80 19


Rishu reveals

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So i won't reveal what happened since you actually know it.....

R-That is why Unnati left that day the rest you know

M-That is why you never came to damnfam house after that

He asked Unnati,

U-Manav, listen.

M-You left damnfam because of me

U-No, I never left damnfam.

M-But you stopped meeting them and also somehow me because of such a stupid thing

U-Manav, listen to me

Manav just did not look at her and he instead looked at  Rishu

M-How could you? how could you think of something like that?

R-Manav, I know what I did was wrong but then I just don't know why I even thought of something like that I honestly dont

M-You actually did not only try to break mine and Unnati's relationship but you also kept our relationship at stake...

R-I did not know what I was actually doing at that time. I just knew that I was being stingy, I wanted all of your time to mine and that is why I said all this without even realising what the impact of my words can have.

M-And you guys, why did you not tell me what happened that day? i asked you all why Unnati left in such a hurry but you guys did not tell me what happened.

Ar-Deenu, we did not even know what happened. We wanted to calm Rishu down so that You two(Unnav) don't know what he thinks but then when we saw Unnati who had heard all this. We did not even realise what happened and before that Unnati had already left.

T-We wanted to tell you everything, trust me we did but then Unsu refused. She took promises from us to not tell you anything.

Ad-Manav even I am equally at fault along with Rishu. Trust me when I tell you, the second I saw Unnati leaving damnfam house that day, I knew I was wrong. I tried my best to tell you so that I am guilty free but then I became shellfish. I had already lost my GG, I could not lose you. In fact, none of us could.

M-That is why you lied to me and kept me in the dark

M-You all were hurt and I was just enjoying it all. When I thought that I have the best friends in the world, they were actually breaking my relationship with my love.

M-Today, my perfect family has hurt me, Mrunu's mission to break my family is successful

U-No Manav, your family is still together. We can never be broken, never.

M-Dont try to give me false hope Unss, just dont

R-I know you are hurt Manav and I am sorry to be the one to hurt you. I promise I will leave you alone if that is what you want but please never say that Mrunu was right because she wasn't. I was the only one who was wrong the rest of them were just trying to protect you from hurting. I was the only one who wanted to hurt you and I should be punished for that.

U-Stop talking stupid Rishu, you deserve no punishment understood. Manav tells him that he does not deserve any punishment. Manav tells him that. Manav

M-I need time, I cant


With that Manav just went to his room.

Unnati was about to follow him when Arsh stopped her

Ar-Paa let him be alone for a while. Guys, I think we should go

U-No, where are you going?

Ar-Paa let Manav be alone for a while, we all will meet when he wants. For now, the rest of us are going to Mumbai.

U-No, you can't go alone. Manav and I will come with you

Aa-Unnati Arsh is right. We all are going back to Mumbai alone, let Manav spend some time alone. We promise you, we will meet but we will meet when Manav wants to meet us. For now, let him take his time to process all that happened.

U-Guys, will we break up?

As-We won't Noni, we will always be together but for now, give Manav his share of time to recover just like we gave ourselves.

T-I think it is time to go, take care Unsu

U-I don't want you guys to leave me alone but then....

S-But then Vahini we deserve this break at least for now....


Everyone was sad when they said bye to Unnati.

While Unnati hugged all of them tightly and requested them to not forget her. She reminded all of them that she will be back with their Deenu, Pingu, Partner, Lala and Manav bhai.

She then hugged Rishu and told him

U-You, don't have the right to leave us..... Noone ave you the right, understood

Rishu was crying and he just nodded at her

U-Never think of leaving us, I love you Rishu

R-I love you too B'Ful.... come back to us soon

U-I will

The gang then said bye to Manav's parents, while Arsh could not control himself and he went to Manav's room and hugged him tightly.

Ar-I know we will be back Deenu, I know we will

While Manav just hugged Arsh tightly...

Okay, Guys, what was your take on Manav's reaction.....

New chapter in awhile......

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