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Okay, guys i just want to make something clear...

So although my book is for Unnav the reason why I started liking Unnav was through damnfam so that is why my book is dedicated to damnfam the whole of it.

Yes, I agree that I need to focus on Unnati and Manav but I also want to show the different relations that the two share.

I have shown how Tanzeel and Unnati are close and similarly, i want to show all friends and how they are close to each other.

Finally, I want to tell you all that please give me some time to develop the story for Aasan and AkTk because as a fact i don't know more about them so i need to understand damnfam and their behaviours through the videos they post.

I agree that since damnfam has not been so active on youtube you guys are in hopes that my chapters can help you relieve their moments but i also need time to write their scenes...

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