part 87

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Manav and Ashi have a small argument... while damnfam have decided to go to Punjab

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While in Mumbai, after Tanzeel told everyone the plan. Aashna, Tanzeel and Sanket went home while Ashi and Mrunu went to theirs.

Since Manav left the damnfam house in anger the boys knew that he won't be coming home anytime soon so they decided to lock the door and go to sleep.

From the past four months, one thing that has changed among the four housemates is that now Arsh and Manav share one room while Rishabh and Addy share the other.

Ever since that day, Arsh has stopped talking to Rishu apart from the time that they have to shoot a video(damnfam mostly) or when Manav is around them.

In Punjab

Unnati was back home after a day full of fun and shopping. Entering inside the house she saw her father-in-law sitting in the living room watching T.v

U-Hi dad

M.D-Hi beta, how was your day?

U-It was fun dad....went shopping with Anu dhi

M.D-That is nice

Just then Manav's mom came out of the kitchen and went towards them.

M.M-Unnati did you buy all the stuff I asked you too

U-Yes I did.. mom is there something special this week

M.M-Yes, it is... on Sunday it is Karwa Chaut

U-Ohhhh... that is why you asked for all this things

M.M-Yes will you fast with us

U-Ummm... yes sure

M.M-Great so let me ask Manav to come... so that you two can spend the festival together.

U-Mom it is fine.... he must be busy

M.M-But let me just call him

U-Umm okay... i am going to change...

M.M-Yes go do that and then come down.. dinner is ready

U-Yes Ma'am

She then went and hugged m.m after that she went to her room, which was basically Manav's room that she has been allocated to use

Entering the room, she just threw her phone on the bed and then went to the washroom.

Soon she had changed and freshenup, when she was leaving the room she heard her phone vibrate. Picking the phone she saw that she was tagged at a post.

The post was of Mnaav seeing the post she knew that Manav was for sure was trying to convey a message to their fans about them and their relationship

She then liked the post and commented with two hearts and Unnav's special emoji.


U-Yes mom

She then went down and had her dinner. After dinner she went to her room and then thought of something.

She logged into her Instagram account and then posted something.

She logged into her Instagram account and then posted something

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Caption- For those wondering were I am... I am at a secret spot but my life is nothing without  mr.mnv.. So yes I go everywhere with him by my side.

P.S-- Manav forced me to put his pictures as my back cover and I cant thank him enough for such a wonderful idea.

Can't wait to meet you mr.mnv

She posted that and as you as she did... She got many likes and comments.

Soon she got busy with her phone... She had a lot of interviews lined up for Nach.

While seeing the messages and emails she thought of how she was offered to be a choreographer for Nach.

She thanked God for such a wonderful opportunity, after that she got busy watching a movie.

The next day

In Mumbai

After last nights discussion, everyone was ready to travel to Punjab. Since they wanted more content for the fam they decided to go by flight to Delhi and then go by bus to Punjab.

Soon they reached Delhi and just outside the airport they found their bus waiting for them 

They all settled down. Before heading to the highway, according to Tanzeel's instructions the driver parked the bus near a cafe

Mr-Tanzeel why are we waiting here?

T-Because we are waiting for someone


S-Mrunu just wait and see... stop asking questions everytime

Sanket snapped at her because he was actually really frustrated with Mrunu and her I want to know everything attitude

Ashi was about to say something but then Tanzeel's one action made her mouth to be shut

Everyone was waiting for the visitor patiently, while Rishu for some weird reason was finding all this really weird.

He was really impatient and was having a weird feeling to all this.

Soon, their guests called Tanzu and he went to receive her.

After a while, the door opened and came in......

As- Rhea

Rh-Hi guys...

She entered to find mixed reactions of people

She then whispered to herself

Rh-Seems like I was a surprise for everyone

Tanzu who was standing near her, just looked at her and laughed at her

T-Yes you were

As-Tanzzz why did you not tell us that Rhea is coming?

T-Well honey it was a surprise

As-Well..... i really like the surprise...

She then stood up from her place and then went towards Rhea and hugged her

As-Finally, meeting you after soo long.... missed you

RH-Missed you too

She then treated everyone apart from Mrunu , because just like everyone she also does not like Mrunu.

While she said hello to Ashi, Ashi was really happy seeing her while there was someone who was still shocked......

That person was.......








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