Part 42

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The next two days were the same for everyone in Damnfam, they would all make sure to be at damnfam house and enjoy the time with each other. Ever since lockdown began this was one thing that everyone missed, they just used to remember their old times and also how they would be together at every event.

It was after two days that something interesting happened and that was Manav's journey with Bronny. Unnati was way too excited to meet the three of them since Addy was also coming with them. Manav first drove from Punjab to Jaipur and then he drove to Mumbai, on the way whenever he would get the time he would call Unnati and assure her that the three of them were fine. 

When they left Jaipur Addy decided to be behind the wheels, so Manav was sitting with Bronny and then he took a story of the roads. Unnati who saw that story got angry seeing Manav use his phone while driving so she sends him a message

U-Why are you using your while driving?

Manav did not reply to her but just called her.


U-Hello why are you using your phone just drive 

M-Chill baba i am not driving Addy is 

U-Okay, listen don't use your phone while driving please it scares me when you do so.

M- Dont worry I won't 

U-Good now how is my baby

M-I am fine

U-Not you Bronny

M-Sometimes i feel so jealous of him but anyways he is fine just enjoying the view.

U- You should be because soon Bronny and I  will be one while you will be alone

M-I won't let that happen

U-We will see by the way tomorrow we are going to your friend's wedding right?

M-Yes we are

U-Okay so should I get her a gift 

M-No mom has sent one listen just get my clothes ready for tomorrow

U-What are you wearing?

M-I will be wearing a blue suit so just ask Arsh if the shirt and coat has come from the dry cleaning and also just buy me a blue tie.

U-I will do so, now you take some rest and say hi to Addy and also stop him from using his phone.

M-Tell him yourself( with that he kept the phone on speaker)

M-now tell him

U-Hi addy

M-Hi unsu, what's up?

U-Nothing i just want to tell you, two idiots, to stop using your phone will driving. Please you two we want the three of you safely in Mumbai so just do one thing at a time.

A-But we are using our phone when we are the only vehicle around and on the right speed limit.

U-Addy you know want me to hit you, just don't use your phone while driving simple. Now let me not see any of your stories while driving, understood.

Yes ma'am said the two of them

U-Okay bye can't wait to see you two. Drive safely.

Bye, the two said before Manav disconnected the call.

It was around 9 at night when Manav called the gang and told them that they have reached Mumbai. Unnati who was praying for them to reach safely thanked her God and then reached the damnfam home so that she could welcome them.

When Manav and Addy reached home, Arsh was at the basement parking waiting for them so he could help them offload their luggage. Soon they reached their house using the lift and Unnati was the one who opened the door for them

U-Welcome back guys(with that she just hugged Manav and then Addy)

U-Hi baby(she greeted Bronny and then took him from Manav and started playing with him)

The two freshen up and after having dinner Arsh suggested that they all should go for a ride in Manav's new car. Everyone agreed but seeing Bronny tired Unnati decided to stay back with him. Reluctantly, Manav agreed to this idea and then the boys apart from Tanzeel went for a ride. Soon they came back and then they decided to let Unnati go, Manav offered to drop her but Unnati said she will go alone since Manav was really tired.

It was the next morning and as always Unnati met with Manav and then the two decided to go shopping, coming back from their Unnati and Manav got ready for the wedding they had to attend. 

Unnati was wearing a beautiful blue saree while Manav had worn the blue suit. The two were welcomed at that party and Unnati really enjoyed with these new people around her. She felt really welcomed by them, after the function Unnati and Manav went for a simple coffee date and then they went home.

 She felt really welcomed by them, after the function Unnati and Manav went for a simple coffee date and then they went home

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