part 59

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After lunch, Unnati and Ashi made sure that Aashna is fine and has taken her medicines. After that, they moved to their next location which was the

Benaulim Beach

Blessed with a captivating shoreline and gleaming white sand, Benaulim exudes a romantic charm

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Blessed with a captivating shoreline and gleaming white sand, Benaulim exudes a romantic charm. From rolling on the white sand and taking a stroll on the shore to indulging in a variety of water sports, you can do it all here. The nightlife at this beach is quite vibrant and you can expect to have a great time with your SO.

The team as soon as reached there were really amazed by the view there.

U-Guys are we doing any activity here?

Ad-Yes unsu i have planned for a fun volleyball match for the boys.

U-Cool so you guys play your game I am going for a walk around.

As-Unsu we will also join you

U-No you stay with Honey here the wind is quite strong so let her be under the shade and you also sit with her so she has some company.

As-That is also true.

A-Guys i am fine in fact Ashi i suggest you to join Unnati while I sit here

As-Aashna its fine let stay with you anyways I want to take some pictures.

U-Okay so guys I am going for a walk, bye

Unnati then went for her walk while the boys started their match of volleyball.

The first team had Manav, Sanket and Tanzeel

While the other team was of Arsh, Addy and Rishu.

The boys game was going full-on on the other side Ashi was taking pictures while Aashna was just scrolling through her Instagram.

Unnati on the other side was just walking when she got a notification. She saw her phone to see a new edit that the fans have made of hers and Manav. Seeing the edit all unnati could do was smile and think of the time when she met Manav and talked to him for the first time.


After her first incident with Manav Unnati learnt more about him. However, she wished to never see him again since her first meet with him was not so pleasant.

However, her never turned to be always since after two months of that incident. A team called NoFilter had organized a Musically meet up. 

She and Aashna went to that meeting,. After reaching there the two were wandering around since they knew no one there. Soon Aashna saw someone whom she knew so she took Unnati with her.

The guy was standing there facing somewhere else.

So, Aashna went towards him and then tapping on his back waiting for him.

The guy turned and smiling at Aashna said,

Guy-Hi Aashna

A-Hi Sanket, how are you?

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