Part 86

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Tanzeel has a plan

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In Mumbai

While the three boys were on their way back to damnfam home. Manav thought of posting something on his Instagram.

He wanted to act responsibly and inform his fans that everything is okay between him and Unnati.

Since Arsh was driving, he thought of posting it now.

Since Arsh was driving, he thought of posting it now

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Caption:--Love never breaks it just separates.... For those wondering what is up with Unnav, I am glad to inform you that we are still in a healthy relationship and we will always be together.

About us not posting a lot that is because unnati-m is on a personal vacation... Guys, please don't harm yourself for us... we will always be together.

Miss you unnati-m

When he posted this he remembered his last conversation with Unnati


Manav and Unnati were seeing each other after around 3 weeks, unnati has been really busy while Manav was out of town for some days.

The two met at their favourite restaurant. Unnati was the first one to reach there and after some five minutes Manav joined her

The two were really happy to see eachother.

U-Helloooo (with that she just hugged him tightly and Manav also did the same)

M-Helloo(the two broke the hug and Manva kissed Unnati on her cheeks)

U-Missed you so mucchhhhhh

M-Me too

M-So how is everything going?

U-Fine... luckily the shoot will finish tomorrow

M-Oh that is good that means you will join damnfam again

U-(She went silent for a while thinking what to answer him)

U-Noo first I am going for a personal holiday

M-Personal holiday? where are you going? we all can join you?

U-Manav by personal I mean just by myself... i want to be alone for a month

M-But why?

U-Because that is what I want... Manav i am tired of all these movements and all... i need peace and being alone...

M-But Unsss

U-Manav, please... Let me alone for a while and then I will join damnfam again

M-Okay so where are you going?

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