Part 120

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Damnfam on a break?

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Two weeks later.

Damnfam house.

We enter the house to see the boys of the house are cleaning the house.

Ar-Rishu yaar, can you stop wearing so many Kacha's in a day, already 5 of them have been kept for a wash while 4 are hanging here

R-Arsh doesn't say anything to my Kacha's, please.

Ad-What, Arsh is right Rishu i am tired of seeing so many Kacha's everywhere. First, we used to see it on you and now we see it hanging here and there.

R-Addy now you dont start, see even I am tired of seeing your black hoodies hanging everywhere but do I ever complain.

Ad-Oh, please at least my hoodies are not weird like yours.


With that, he just launched on Addy

Arsh knew that he needed to stop him because the three have a lot of work to do so he just hugged Rishu.

Ar-Calm down chachu,

As soon as he said Chachu Rishu got emotional and he left Arsh

Arsh realised what he did and he was about to stop him but then he realized that he can't do much.

Ar-Sorry Rishu for reminding you this but I assure you today will be a happy day for you

He then looked at Addy who was also a bit sad but then he just ignored his saddness.

Ar- Chal Addy back to work

The two continued cleaning the living room while Rishu was in his and Manav's old room.

Inside the room,

Rishu was looking at his and Manav's picture.

Sorry yaar, please come back miss you

With that, he just hugged the frame.

On the other side, 

At Unnati's place, Manav was looking at the damnfam picture and he was just sad remembering all the positive time he has spent with them.

While Manav was looking at the frame Unnati who was in the washroom came out and she back hugged him


She asked him

M-Yes but will they

U-They are waiting for us.....dont be scared we need to meet them now


They were on their way there when Unnati was remembering what happened after damnfam left Punjab


After the gang left, Unnati went to the room to see Manav under the shower. She saw him all broken and under the shower, he was just crying.

Unnati went towards him and just hugged him

U-Manav what are you doing under the shower? come out you will feel cold...

M-Unnati why did they think like that? was I really not giving my friends enough time?

Unnati knew that more than feeling angry with Rishu Manav was angry at himself for not giving his friends their deserved time.

U-Manav there is nothing like that, yes I know at that time Rishu felt like that but it was not your fault.

M-Then whose fault was it? yours?

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