Part 75

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By the time Unnati reached home, she was engrossed will all types of thoughts. Today was the first time when Manav had not come all the way back to drop her.

It has never happened that Manav allowed her to go back home alone, he was always with her but today it changed.

She with the few words Manav has said today she felt like she was not so important to him as someone else was.

She then thought of ignoring all this. And with that, she changed and then was about to sleep when she got a call

Seeing the call she was slightly upset but then she just received the call

U-Yes Tanzu

T-Open the door


T-Unsu i said open the door fast


She then opened the door to find Tanzeel there

T-Hello Unnatiii

U-Tanzuu what are you doing here?

T-I wanted to talk to you

U-Okay come in

The two then went to Unnati's room

U-So what do you want to talk about

T-Unsu i first want to ask you are if you are fine

U-I am fine what happened to me

T-I know that you are not fine... the way you left was so not you

U-Nothing yaar i just felt that I am being a burden on someone so I just left

T-Unsu tell me the truth are you being affected by Mrunu

U-No but I felt like she was ignoring me and also what was that when we met you guys the way she was clinging to Manav was just so..

T-Wrong right

U-Yes and the way Manav behaved it felt so wrong

T-Unnati you know right that Mrunu might now be a part of damnfam... Are you okay with it

U-I don't know

T-Unns talk to Manav and tell him your fears

U-Umm i tried to talk to him but he feels that I am judging Mrunu

T-Yaar i don't know what is going to happen now.

U-Why are you saying that?

T-While going to Marine drive we were discussing in the car if Mrunu should join damnfam again or not and we all are honestly against it but Ashi seems to be really attached to Mrunu.

T-She wants Mrunu to join us

U-I think she will since she and Manav are so close and also she was our friend before everything so why not

T-But it is going to be hard to be normal with her

U-It will be but we can't do anything

T-Anyways i should go now we need to go for the girl's house hunting tomorrow

U-Okay bye

After Tanzeel left, Unnati thought of calling Manav. She called him and to her surprise, Manav did not pick the call up on the first ring.

She then waited for a while before he picked the call up

U-Hi Manav


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