Part 76

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After finalising the house, the four went to damnfam house.

Unnati was very excited to meet Manav but all her excitement went down the drain when she got to know that Manav has gone out.

She was already so disappointed and to top it all she got to know that Manav has gone out with Mrunu.

She was although present with everyone else but her concentration was at all times at the door.

While she was waiting for Manav to come. The other girls broke out to everyone and told them about the house they have chosen.

They then decided that Ashi and Rhea will be going to Delhi for a few days so that they can pack their stuff. Also, they wanted to bring their own furniture.

They were getting the house after three days, therefore, they decided that Aashna will shift by then while Ashi and Rhea will join.

They talk for awhile and soon Manav came.

As soon as the two entered Unnati was sad seeing how Mrunu and Manav have gotten so close to eachother.

She was waiting for him to spare her a glance at least but unfortunately, he was really busy talking to Mrunu.

Seeing how the two are so engrossed in talk Arsh could not help himself but just interfere with their talks

Ar-Hello guys


He then looked at Unnati and smiled at her.

M-Hello Unsu 

With that, he went to hug her. The two hugged each other and that moment was the actual peace for both of them 

Seeing them hug like that everyone was admiring them apart from one person. 

That person then wanted to distract the two, therefore, played some cheap tactics for the attention to be brought back to her.

Mr-Guys you want to know what all I bought?

As-Yes Mrunu show

No one else was interested in seeing the shopping but Ashi. She then looked at Unnav who were now sitting together and Unnati had kept her head on Manav's shoulder.

The two were enjoying themselves when Mrunu called Manav

Mr-Manav pass me those bags, please

Manav did so and when he was about to go, Mrunu just pulled Manav and said.

Mr-Sit here, please

Manav could not deny and he sat near Mrunu.

Mrunu then started showing everyone all that she purchased, she was actually telling everyone how Manav forced her to buy some of the things

She was actually bragging about everything that after a point everyone started using their phones. Though everyone was doing there own things they at least they were part of the whole conversation, however, there was someone who was not included in anything.

That was of course Unnati, who sat at the edge of the room quietly just looking at how Manav's attention easily got diverted from her to Mrunu.

She was wondering how Manav is more interested to see Mrunu's shopping than sit with her and talk to her. While she was thinking all this, she heard her name suddenly.

Looking at what happened she got to know that there is a packet in one of the shopping bags and seeing the ring inside it everyone thought that Manav has bought it for her.

As-Wow Manav this ring is so nice, right Unnati?

Aa-Yes Unsu you are lucky to be gifted such a ring

Mr-Guys this ring Manav bought for me

Everyone got shocked hearing that and loudly said, 


Mr-Yes i liked it so he bought it for me

U-Really Manav

M-Guys chill I didn't buy for her..  just paid for the ring since she was out of money by the time she bought all this

Mr-But he then told me that this ring is a gift for me since I am his special friend

Since it was normal for guy friends to buy rings for their friends everyone thought that this might be the same here.

But Unnati was hurt knowing that Manav bought a love ring for Mrunu. Unnati knew that ring was not a friendship ring but it was a ring that is normally used for proposals.

She then just had enough of everything therefore she decided it is better for her to go.

U-Guys i think I should go 

Ar-But Paa why you going so early?

U-Nothing just like that

Everyone had everyone's attention for a second before Mrunu diverted it. She just did not want to stay there so saying bye she just left.

Everyone was so engrossed with their work that they did not hear her byes and neither did they see her leave. When Unnati closed the door is when they noticed that she had left.

T-Unnati went

As-Seems like

Aa-Strange she did not even say bye

Ar-She did you just didn't hear

Arsh's tone was a bit sharp since he saw how people just ignored Unnati. He in fact thought that people will ask her to stay but they did not. For some reason, he felt that Unnati left because she was hurt about something.

And also Tanzeel was sure that something is surely off since his Unsu never leaves without saying bye to him and hugging him but today she did not.

As for others they didn't bother about it anymore and continued doing what they were while Manav who was using his phone most of the time, thought of calling Unnati later.

Everyone then had dinner together and left for their respective places.




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