Part 23

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On the other hand,

Ashi was leaving to go to Dubai for a shoot when Tanzeel called her.

T-Hi, baby.

A-Hi babu how are you?

T-I am fine, where are you?

A-I am on my way to the airport, what were you doing?

T-Just came from Arjun's house and thought of calling you.

A-Ohh so how was your shoot?

T-The shoot was nice in fact Manav, Sanku and Addy also joined us so we were rehearsing first and then we got busy playing games.

A-That is nice by the way you guys are going for the engagement shopping tomorrow right?

T-Yes we are.

A-Great, just select some Indian clothes for me as well although I have told Aashna the same please choose something nice for me.

T-As you say, but won't it look awkward for me to just choose for you won't the rest doubt me.

A-Well, that's true but just give your suggestions when they ask okay?


A-I am about to reach the airport.

T-Okay, by the way, don't you think we should tell everyone about us now.

A-We should but i dont know how they will react to it.

T-If we delay it more then they will feel bad.

A-I know but

T-There is no but in this, we need to tell them before someone else tells them.

A-Okay i am ready to tell them.

T-You know today Unnati was asking about whether our relationship will change after Unnav's wedding and at that time I felt that our friends share everything with us but we are hiding such a big thing from them it hurts.

A-I know it does but our friends are jaans they will understand our worries.

T-So when will we tell them?

A-I was thinking during Aashna's birthday party.

T-Okay, now have a safe flight and be safe.

A-Thank you and you also shoot well and don't take any stress.

T-Bye baby.

With that, the two resumed at the respective things they were doing. Ashi had border her flight. Relaxing on the sit, Ashi remembered the day when T.k confessed his feelings to her.

It was the time when damnfam had planned for the reunion to happen and Tanzeel had gone to Punjab a week before. When Tanzeel reached Delhi he was spending all his time with Ashi and they would always go out and have the best days of their life.

Between, all these days there was this one day when Ashi had gone to meet her friends and Tanzeel had gone with Rishu.

Although the two were at different places all they could think of was about each other. Tanzeel who was missing Ashi a lot thought to call her when he did so Manan Ashi's friend received the call and told him that Ashi is busy. Manan meant that Ashi has gone to the washroom and she is busy there.

However,  when Tanzeel heard Manan's voice he felt jealous of him and in anger, he threw his phone away. On the other side, Ashi came back from the washroom and saw Manan with her phone going close to him she asked him.

A-What are you doing with my phone?

M-It was ringing so I picked it up.

A-Oh okay who was calling?

M-T.K was and I also talked to him but he suddenly disconnected the call.

A-Umm okay.

That night Ashi called t.k a lot of times but he did not receive her calls, she thought that maybe he is asleep so she decided to call him tomorrow.

The next day, it was the same thing Ashi tried to call t.k a lot of times but he did not receive the call, thinking it to be something really serious she went to Rishabs house to talk to him. It seemed that luck was on her side that Rishu was not home, so she knew that it would be easier for her to talk to Tanzeel.

When she reached Rishu's room she saw Tanzeel sleeping and seeing him sleep like a baby she smiled and went near him. Running  her hand through his hair she bends down and whispers in his ear,

A-Good morning 

Tanzeel moved a bit feeling some sensations near his ears.

A-Wakeup, and seeing no movements from him she took her hair stand and started tickling him using it on his ears. Finally, she was successful to wake t.k up.

Tanzeel opened his eyes up and the first person he saw was Ashi at first he thought that he was dreaming but soon he realised that she was actually there.

A-Good morning.

T-Good morning (he smiled at her but soon his smile turned into a frown when he remembered the yesterdays incident.

T-What ae you doing here?

A-I came to look at you since yesterday night I have called to a hundred times but you did not reply to any of my calls so I thought of seeing you so I came here.

T-I thought you were busy with your friend Manan so i did not want to interrupt your special time with him.

A-What busy with Manan i was with all my friends yesterday and what do you mean by special time.

T-Well i called you but you were busy so i left it.

A-Okay whatever so what are you doing today?

T-Nothing you just tell me something.


T-Do you like Manan?

A-Yes, i like him as a friend.

T-I mean do you love him?

A-No i don't but why are you asking me this?

T-Because i feel like you love him

A-No i don't but why are you so angry about it?

T-Because i love you.

A-Wait what?

T-Yes i love you a lot and i cannot see you with anyone else

A-Well first thing i don't have anyone else in my life and secondly i love you two.



T-Oh God i am so happy, wait let me call Unsu and tell her this.

A-Wait i want to keep all this a secret as of now.


A-I want us to be sure about us before we tell them about us.

T-But i know we will work.

A-Yes but what if we don't? then our friends will also be dishearted and they might also break and i can't afford that.


With that, the two decided and they will first work on their relationship and then tell their friends about it.



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