Part 82

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Unnati and Manav went towards Manav's room.

Manav who was shocked by the way Unnati has been behaving

M-What was that?


M-The way you behaved outside, mostly with Mrunu.


M-Unns there is something bothering you

U-Umm actually I feel like Mrunu wants to prove something to me

M-What do you mean?

U-Manav i feel like i am losing something really close to me.

M-Unsu it is just your intuitions.

U-Umm that is what you think but it's fine.

M-Okay so why did you bring me here?

U-Well because i wanted you to take off your shirt



M-I did not know that you are so desperate

U-What desperate?

M-Unsu you want to undress me

U-Manav i did not mean that

M-Really so what did you mean?

U-What i meant was that give me a shirt of yours from the cupboard.

M-Really why do you want my clothes?

U-Because I need to shoot for something but have no clothes so give me yours

M-How about i give you this

He pointed at the shirt he was currently wearing

U-Noo give me a new one

M-Why yaar?

U-Give me na

M-Umm okay

He then gave her one of his shirts. While Manav was removing his shirt Unnati removed her pallu and she was just with her top and skirt.

Manav turned around to see Unnati like that.

He saw her and just stood there admiring her.

Unnati turned towards Manav and seeing him lost like that she was wondering what is wrong with him

U-Manav... Manav...



M-Yaar Unsu you are looking so hot

U-Thank you now give me the shirt please it is really cold

M-Really... Is it

With that he moved closer to her and then he held her waist.

M-Is it still cold.



He had now started kissing her neck...

U-Manav... stop



The two were enjoying their moments together when Unnati's phone rang

Unwillingly they stopped what they were doing and then Unnati wore Manav's shirt.

After shooting for the product, Unnati looked at Manav and then asked him if the two could take pictures together.

The two were enjoying with one another, while Unnati was taking pictures Manav was busy teasing her by sometimes creasing her bare skin or by kissing her.

Soon, Manav just held Unnati's hand and turned her towards him. He then looked at her and after seeing her he just pulled her closer to himself and then without much delays he just took her lips for a kiss.

The two were just kissing eachother, soon Manav pulled Unnati towards the edge of the bed making the two of them fall, however, did not make the two of them break the kiss.

After a while is when the two realised that they need some air to breathe and that is when they broke the kiss. Manav was now kissing Unnati's neck while all Unnati could do was run her hand through his hair.

While Unnav were busy with each other, Mrunu was just controlling herself and seeing no one giving her as much attention she was just planning on how she can bring everyone's attention back to her

Having enough of waiting for Manav she decided to do a cheap trick, she then went towards Manav's room and then started banging the door.

She was literally banging the door that to so loudly that the rest of the members who were in Arsh's room came out to see what the nice is or rather where the nice is from.

Seeing Mrunu bang the door so loudly Arsh could not control himself and he asked Mrunu to stop it.

A-Mrunu what are doing? why are you banging the door?

Mr-Please can't you see I want to talk to Manav... 

 T-So waits for him to come out.

R-Yes.. like this you are creating so much noise...

Mr-So what do I do? Your friend has just taken Manav away from me, she just does not want Manav to spend some time with his friends.

Aa-First of all Mrunu. Unnati can never separate Manav from his friends.. something we have told you before

S-And second thing so what if Vahini and Manav decided to spend some time together..... I dont think we need to remind you that Manav and Vahin are a couple and they need some time alone.


Mr-But guys Manav should spend more time with us

S-No he doesn't

Mr- I am sorry guys it's just that I want  to spend more time with you guys so that is why( and yet again she started crying)

A-No Mrunu we understand.

T-Yes we do but if you want to spend more time with us then do.... Why do you want Manav bhai to be with you every time...


A-Guys let's leave all that and just enjoy our time together.

While all this was happening, Unnav after their make-out session just fell asleep.

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