Part 110

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Ani's story

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At Home

While everyone was having breakfast, Mrunu was in her room.

Mr-Hello, our plan failed.

-I knew it..... i knew that you like an idiot will spoil my plan

Mr-But i did not do anything

-So how did it fail? where is your friend?

Mr- I have tried so many times to call him but he is not receiving my calls.

-And where are the pictures I sent you?

Mr-They all got deleted


Mr-I don't know.....

-God Mrunu, okay now let me plan for something else you don't do anything

SS-Who are you talking to?

-Noone, Ill call later

Mr-Hello, Nagma

So seems like it was Nagma who was helping Mrunu hmmm.....

At the hotel

U-I met Ani...


Unnati and Ani's sister were on the same flight to Punjab. Ani's sister who had seen Unnati's pictures saw her and went to her

A.S-Excuse me, hi, are you Unnati Malharkar?

U-Yes i am, do I know you?

A.S-No you don't, I am Ani's sister...... Anirudh Sharma, I am his sister

U-Ohhh hi sorry I could not recognize you

A.S-Its okay, can I please have a moment with you

U-I was actually about to call an uber

A.S-Please......i really need to talk to you, I will drop you later


The two then went to a nearby cafe

U-So how is Ani? haven't heard about him for long

A.S-He is not fine, Unnati can I please know what is going on in his life, please?

U-Honestly i don't know.....after they left damnfam i haven't really spoken to him..... all I know is that recently Ani and Mrunu broke up and now Mrunu is with us in damnfam.....i have no idea about Ani

A.S-Unnati, Ani is not the same person anymore....he has changed

U-What do you mean?

A.S-I need you to come with me


A.S-Please come with me

Seeing the need in her eyes Unnati could not deny her.

The two went to Ani's house. Entering in, Unnati was introduced to Ani's mom and then she was lead to Ani's room. Entering in she saw Ani sitting alone at the edge of his bed.

Unnati was sad seeing  Ani's condition. He had actually lost a lot of weight and was looking really bad.

A.S-Bhai, look who has come.

Ani who was looking down looked up when his sister called, he was happy seeing someone he knew after a long.

U-Hi, Ani

Unnati was almost in tears seeing Ani's this look

Ani just jumped up from his bed and hugged Unnati while crying.

U-Ani, what is wrong? did whats happen to you? 

Ani did not say anything but instead, he just fainted

U-Oh God, Ani what happened

Unnati was shocked when she found Ani unconscious. She was surprised to see how normal Ani's family acted to it.

They then helped Unnati make Ani lay on his bed after that they left the room.

Unnati went to Ani's sister

U-What was that?

A.S-Something we are used to of..... Unnati i don't know what happened but then a few days back we were called by the Mumbai police.

A.S-Bhai has not been receiving our calls for a while and then suddenly one day we get a call from the police. They said that they have found our son and they need us in Mumbai

A.S-When we went there, the police told us that they found bhai in a locked house in Mumbai. It was like someone kidnapped him, we were shocked but then when we met Bhai we were broken.

A.S--Bhai was unrecognizable, he was mostly unconscious and when he is awake he refused to recognize us. We had to take him to rehab so that he can talk to us tell us what happened but nothing happened.

A.S-He is like a rock.....You know today was the first time ever since he came to Punjab that he cried and talked to you......please Unnati help me bring my brother back...please

U-I will


After that day, I used to meet Ani every day. At first, he was really quiet but then he told me all that happened.

I was shocked to know that Mrunu did all this to him. If Naveen had not confirmed it with me then I would have never believed Ani

As-Naveen, what did he say?

U-Naveen was the one that rescued Ani, he said that he heard Mrunu talking to someone about how she has caged Ani. When Naveen heard this he followed Mrunu to the house and then when Mrunu left, he rescued him

U-not only that Naveen, with the help of police found out what happened that day. Ani and Mrunu's neighbour also gave the police their statements. Mrunu was lucky that because of Ani's mental condition the police did not file a case against her or else she would be in jail right now.

U-Guys Ani will help us reveal Mrunu's face to everyone. He is my master strock

As-What is your plan?


T-That is a nice plan but how will Mrunu's partner come to Punjab

As-Mrunu's partner who is that


U-That you leave it upon me..... i know how to bring her to Punjab

T-So Mission Mrunu is on

U-Yes it is

They then discussed their whole plan and then AkTk went home while Unnati made sure Ani's comfortable.

She then went to Anu dhi's house.

On her way there she called someone.

U-When are you coming?



Unnati then planned her next step......






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