Part 113

872 64 11


Its Party time

Back To The Stroy

As soon as Mrunu heard the thing fall, she screams and the lights went off

After 2 hours

Mrunu woke up and she found herself yet in the living room but this time she was alone. She looked around and what she saw confirmed to her that she was not imagining anything and all this actually happened in reality.

She saw broken glass pieces on the floor and near them, she saw blood. Seing the blood Mrunu broke down

Mr-Shit....Mrunu what did you do? 

She was just crying seeing the blood and asking herself that, when.....

U-Yes Mrunu, what did you do?

Mrunu saw Unnati and her expression changed from sad to angry

She went towards her and grabbed her from her neck

Mr-You.... because of he is injured.....I wont leave you

She was literally strangling her......Unnati was trying very hard to remove Mrunu's hands and she finally was able to free herself from Mrunu.

Unnati first calmed herself down and then after she got back to normal she smirked at Mrunu.

U-Why Mrunu? this is what you wanted right.... you wanted to kill me or harm me see it happened but I did not get hurt someone else did.....Why did you do this Mrunu?

Mr-I did this for you... i want you to die.

U-What have I done to you Mrunu? why would you want to kill me?

Mr-Because you took everything that was mine..... i want you out of our lifes

U-Really is that the reason why you chose to kill me and go to jail, what have I done to you that you are ready to be a criminal for that?

Mr-You want to know what you did, you took away my friends from me.... not only that ever since we formed damfnam people/ my fans like you more then me.... ever since I have met you I have lost everything that was first mine.....

Mr-I hate you Unnati

U-You really think like that about me..... well Ms. Mrunal Panchal,  your firneds the one i took from you were also my friends.....

U-I never took your friends away they were always yours and about your fans.....Mrunu because of you i have had sleepless nights, i used to get hate from everyone just because of you..... i should be the one hating you and not me but still your hate helped you get nothing.

U-I am still alive

Mr-You are but i will kill you now.

Mrunu had started moving towards Unnati with a knife in her hand when Unnati stopped her

U-Dont you wanna know if he is alive or dead?

Mr-How is he? how is my Ani?

U-Your Ani.... did you not hate him

Mr-No i never hated him..... he is my life

U-Then why did you level him? why did you lie to us? Why Mrunu?

Mr-So that i can join damnfam back and remove you stop your stupid questions and tell me how is he?

U-Ask him yourself

Mrunu turned to see Ani all okay

She ran towards her and hugged him,

Mr-Thang god you are okay

A-Leave me Mrunu

Mr-Ani are you okay? show me where you are hurt?

A-I am fine.... nothing happened to me..... 

Mr-But i saw you being under the chandelier.

U-That was all an act Mrunu...


A-Yes, we knew your plan and we let you do everything you wanted

U-We just changed the person, instead of standing under the chandelier we planned Ani to stand there

Mr-Why would you do that?

U-So that you know what it feels like when someone you love losses their life or hurts themselves in front of you....I wanted your plan to be dropped on you

Mr-Unnati..... i just cant see you alive anymore.....

With that Mrunu moved towards Unnati with her knife. She was about to stab her when someone stopped her.

That person was............

Okay guys, done for now.....

So it was Ani who stood at Unnati's place.

Who was the person?

Do you think Mrunu is mentally stable or unstable?

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