Part 116

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Z-The joke was never for Unnati and Awez instead it was for Unnati and Affan


Z-Yes, at that time our Affu was small and he would never go to any stranger or new person but then when he first met Unnati he was really comfortable with her.

Z-Affu would always watch Unnati's dance videos and blush, that is when I started this joke and started teasing him by saying that Unnati is his wife.

N-No ways, you are lying i never saw Affan close to Unnati, she was always seen glued to Awez and no one else.

An- that's not true Najjo Unnati was never close to bhai, yes the two used to perform together but Unnati was never comfortable with bhai she would always be scared of him and would never talk to him.

N-You guys, stop defending this bitch....

Aw-Enough Nagma, she is not a bitch you are...

Aw-Yes, when you joined Unnati and i started spending more time together, this was because of you...

Aw-I liked you the first day i saw you but then i wanted to know if you are interested in me or not.... So I with the help of Unnati started to see your reaction when you see me with someone else. That is when Unnati and i started spending more time together,

Aa-And then when according to your plan everyone started hating Unnati Awez asked for my help... He requested me to divert Unnati's mind from all of this. That is when we became good friends. Nagma in all of your planning you forgot that i was also there, your best friend whom you forgot.

Aa-You left me alone and now you are accusing my best friend of breaking relationships. You were the one who started it. And you Mrunu, you took her support... Someone who knows just to use the other for her own benefit.

Aa-She first used Anam to get close to Awez and then used Moon to make Unnati be hated, finally, she used you to get revenge on something that never existed.

As- Exactly, everyone from the Musically community knew that Unnati and Awez are just friends while Nawez is a couple then why on earth would you think they are in love.

T-Whom are you explaining to you girls, these two know just to get things done for their benefit. Truly Mrunu you lost your friends but not because of Unnati. You lost us because of yourself and your this stupid friend Nagma

S-And if you two really hated Unnati then why did you fake it with us? Why did you act like we mean the world to you while in the real sense we were nothing for you?

Ad-Exactly and i don't think your hate justifies your action. Your hate is not so strong that you plan to kill someone, you two were ready to be jailed just because you felt Unnati is taking your friends and love away from you?

Aw-I don't know about Mrunu but Nagma seriously just because i talk to Unnati or talk about her, you felt jealous and now you are planning to kill her.

N-What i never planned all of this...

Mr-Nagma doesn't lie, you were the one that planned for Unnati to die.

N-Mrunu you are wrong i never planned that, yes i planned that for you to push Unnati in a way that hurts herself but i never planned for her or anyone to lose their life.

Mr-But i got a message from you today, your message read that i have to drop the chandelier on Unnati and that is what i did

N-Mrunu, i did not send any message to you. In fact, i did not have my phone the whole day today. Awez took my phone

Mr-So who sent me that message.

U-I know.....


U-Bring him in,

Unnati's team brought the person here

M-Unnati who is he?

U-Does anyone know him? 

She asked pointing at him

Everyone denied.

U-Okay so let me introduce you all to Rahul.... Rahul my Ex


U-Yes, Mrunu he was the one that hacked Nagma's phone and sent you a message.

M-But then why would he do that?

U-Because he is my creepy ex who just wanted revenge from me

U- I was in high school when he asked me out. We were good friends and also neighbours. When he proposed to me, i first denied it because at that time i was really busy with school and dance rehearsals but then he promised me that he would not bother me a lot.

U-I then agreed to it. After that, we went for some dates and then we were about to make our relationship official when i got an offer to be a dance teacher in Shamak. When i started teaching there most of my time was spent at the studio. That is when he started showing his true face to me.

U-He was really possessive, always angry at me and would always spy on me. After a few months of being in a relationship I was feeling suffocated with him so i decided to break up with him. When i told him about my decision he was first angry at me and then he gave in.

U-I thought that we were now okay but then i was wrong. He turned out to be a cheap stalker, he would always follow me wherever i went to. At first, i did not notice but then thanks to some friends from my class they told me about him.

U-I then with a friend went to him and told him to stop following me or else i would be forced to take legal action on him. After that meeting, he stopped stalking me. I also forgot about him and got busy with my exams and performance. We never saw each other after that day but then we met again

U-It was when i joined Awez and the team as a member when he showed his annoying face to me......

Okay, Guys sorry for the delay was actually not doing that well so took a break.

New chapter soon.

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