June 23

4 1 0


By definition it means a strong desire to travel

But people have different reasons for traveling the globe

Personally I want to travel the world to see the different cultures

We live in such a diverse place and I feel as though I've barely experienced it

Sure I can see it through the lens of someone else's camera

But I want to see it with my own eyes

I want to see the wonders of the world

I want to taste the different cuisine

I want to feel the feel of the water running over my skin 

I want to experience the feel of the sun bearing down on me as I drive through deserts and grasslands

I want to go everywhere and anywhere

I want to jump out of a plane with a parachute

I want to jump off of a platform with only a cord wrapped to my ankles to keep me from crashing into the valley below

I want to climb up a mountain and experience the feel of accomplishment and satisfaction of having climbed a mountain

I want to experience everything

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