June 6

22 1 1

The night was rolling by and the sun had long since gone to sleep, finished with gracing us with its presence. Instead, it was replaced by the blinding white moon, its face ever frozen howling silently at the earth below.

A girl was sitting around a fireplace with her friends, but as a chill ran up her spine, she turned her gaze to the moon, smiling up at it. She had loved the moon since she was little. She would often open up her curtains and stare out at the moon above, falling asleep with its last rays falling down on her. 

Tonight was a clear night, and every star was out, decorating the sky like tiny crystals. The glow of the stars mixed with the bright embers of the fire which spiraled up into the night sky, creating an almost magical effect.

"Hey," one of her friends said with a laugh. "Did you hear what I said?"

The girl flushed a little and shook her head, tearing her gaze away from the moon and returning it to the girl sitting next to her. The friend's mother had come out a little while ago to give them some handmade blankets and the girl sunk down into the one that she had been provided with, making sure that it was tucked in around her legs.

It had been years since she had been able to come and hang out with her friends. They hardly got together anyways, but because of the pandemic, it had been almost two years before they had been able to meet up again. Thank goodness they had finally been allowed to. It was one of the most relaxing times that the girl had experienced in a long time, sitting around a fire, roasting marshmallows, and just talking about whatever came to mind. 

"We need to do this again," she sighed, leaning back in her chair a little more and tipping her head back.

"We really do," her friend replied, copying her posture and leaning back. 

Silence fell, but it was a comfortable silence. 

Peace, the girl thought. So this is what peace feels like...

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