August 3

3 1 0

We used to be friends

I don't know about you

But I began to trust you more than anyone I've ever trusted before

I never trusted anyone like I trusted you

And now

You say that we've grown apart

I'll admit that it hurts

You left me in the darkest point of my life

You had helped me out of a ditch before

But this one I got out of myself

Normally I wouldn't even think about this

I don't like to linger in the past

That's where your doubts and trials come from

So I usually say that what's happened in the past stays in the past

But if that's the case

Then why are you the mystery that's been bothering me

I was cleaning my room

And I stumbled across a note you gave me years ago

I used it when you weren't there

But when you left

I put the note away and forgot I had it

I felt truly alone

But I also have to thank you

Because now I feel stronger for it

I am stronger

But I still think we should talk about this

School's going to be over soon and we'll go our separate ways

And I hate leaving a story on a bad ending

A/N: Sorry, this was a bit of a vent on my part. If you know who you are then you know. To everyone else reading this, sorry. Hopefully something more creative will come out tomorrow! I hope you enjoy the rest of the book!

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