August 7

4 1 0

A/N: I was standing for seven hours today and my feet hurt :(

If you were standing in front of someone

Would you see the scars

Would you see the bags under their eyes from nights up way to late

Would you see the small little things that told you that they were broken

Imagine them as a porcelain doll

It would be easier to see the cracks in their mask then 

Some would be fresh cracks, 

But others would be filled with gold

Those filled with gold would be the ones that have been healed

It's true that your brokenness may always be a part of you

But the way I can see it

You can either look at every time something happened

Or you could look at each little golden line on your body

And think of how you overcame those trials

How you were strong enough to get through the hard times

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