June 24

3 1 0

So many people have given me side eyes or told me that I couldn't do it

They've told me I won't be able to do it

And I can't help but wonder if there's something more

Are they wanting me to be worse than them so that they can feel better about them

Are they feeling jealous because I seem to have a goal for my life 

Are they jealous that I have a desired path for my life

Are they jealous of the possibility of success that I'm reaching for

And why can't we just be happy for each other

Why can't we find joy in the success and ambitions of others while not feeling jealous

Because it's heartbreaking to see that you don't have their support

The miffed looks that you get when you talk about a goal that you have for yourself

The deprecating words that they say to try and make you feel worse

There's already so much hate in this world

Why can't we just be happy for each other

Even if it's just a little thing like completing a goal

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