August 5

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A/N: So I absolutely love Alice in Wonderland. I've seen the Disney live action movies about a dozen times in the past two months and it never gets old. 

I lay back in my bed, the feeling of the plush pillow pushed up against my head. My hands were folded over my stomach. The room around me was silent, save the breeze filtering through the windows on opposite sides of my bed. I was alone, and though most would feel sad that their family and friends weren't there to say goodbye in their final hours in this world, I was at peace. I hadn't seen my family in years, and yet I found it easier that I hadn't. I wasn't dying, just to be clear. I was simply leaving this world for another that I had discovered.

The first time that I had found the world, I was thirteen years old. I had gone to sleep one night and had discovered a secret world called the In-between where there were about a thousand different gateways, each leading to a different reality or world. Over the past few years I had jumped into each, enjoying the time I spent away from my current reality. That was seven years ago. 

Now, I was ready to go back, only this time, I wouldn't wake up to find myself still lying in bed, faced with the challenge of another day. I didn't belong here. I never had. I had found my home elsewhere in a world of magic. 

And so, as I fell asleep in my bed, I let out a breath of fresh air. It was time to go home.

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