November 20

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The tavern was alive with life tonight, and as you entered the worn wooden building, you could hear the band inside pulling everyone into a dance. Pushing open the door, a smile graced your face as you lowered your hood to see a group of people dancing in the middle. The band at the back was playing a lively tune, and even though those in the dance floor had only just started dancing, they were already starting to work up a sweat. You hung up your cloak and walked over to the edge of the dance floor.
Suddenly, your hand was grabbed by someone in the crowd and before you knew it, you were spinning around with everyone else on the dance floor. The music coursed through your body like water through a river and you spun around, no longer worried about what you had been thinking about when you had entered the tavern. The necklace around your neck spun with you, catching the light of the chandelier above you, sending a small dot of light all around the room.
Everyone around you was cheering and clapping, their voices mingling with those of the instruments on the stage. The fiddle was going crazy, as were your feet, and soon, you had danced yourself to exhaustion and you collapsed in a chair on the side of the room, allowing everyone else to continue dancing as the next song was played. Though you were tired, you still tapped your foot along to the beat of the instruments.
And when the royal guards burst into the tavern saying that they were looking for someone of your description, you couldn't help but smirk. Quickly, you got to your feet and ran from the tavern, the song still beating in the back of your head. The stallions of the royal guard were waiting outside and you climbed onto one, cutting away the reins that had been holding them to the fence. With a loud holler, they all reared and sped off into the night, including the one that you were riding on. Turning to look over your shoulder, you smirked when you saw the royal guards standing at the door and you held your bag aloft, the trinkets that you had stolen clinking gaily in the burlap fabric.
"Nice try," you yelled before you sped off over the hills.

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