August 19

4 1 0


It's one of my favorite things

On days when I'm lacking the inspiration to do anything, the rain helps me

I'll open my windows as wide as they can and throw the windows open

I'll grab a mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows

Then I'll sit down and allow the sound of the rain to calm me

The quiet pitter-patter of the rain on the roof of my house

It's been a sound that's comforted me ever since I was born

It sounds like gentle drums 

It feels like they're pulling me off to another place, though just in my mind

Or maybe I find it so comforting because of the smell

To me, it's indescribable how rain smells, but it smells wonderful

After the rain is over, I'll go outside and look up at the sky

Bright blue no longer filled with clouds but instead small chirping birds

They're singing a greeting

I shut my eyes and inhale

A new world is before me

The old has been washed away and cleansed

Oh how I love the rain

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