September 6

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The power I wielded was a power that few could understand, and for that, they feared me. Though I had never harmed anyone, nor gone anywhere close to any village where I could possibly harm anyone, they hunted me like a wild beast, hoping and praying for the day that I would finally be caught and silenced. 

For ages I had been hunted, longer than any beast. Those who hunted me now had learned the specialized trade from their forbearers, now armed with weapons that I had seen crafted myself. Before it had been simply arrows and swords, metal that I could easily deflect and shield myself from. But then came the sticks of fire and bombs. Pure destruction and hate licked at my feet every time one of those hit too close to the small caves where I hid, hoping that I would be able to stay for longer than a day without them finding me. 

Admittedly, there was a part of me that wanted to destroy what they had created, and even them themselves. And yet, I restrained myself, reasoning that they were just simple creatures like me, though with no grasp of what true power was or how to wield it. They called my gift witchcraft, and yet, it was no such thing.

Never once had I dabbled in sorcery, knowing the dangers that came with working with trades that one did not understand. That was what my mother and father died from. Instead, I had simply been given this gift. 

As a young child, my mother had accidentally dropped me into a river that had been flowing by our small house away in the woods. Mother and Father had never been social creatures either. But, when Mother dropped me into the river, something wonderous happened. Instead of drowning and sinking to the bottom like a stone, I was saved and lifted back up to my mother's arms by the river itself. It had kissed my forehead before sinking back into the depths, never to be seen again. 

River spirits were common in our part of the world, like dryads were common in what is now known as the UK, and like how dragons spiraled across the sky in search of companionship and adventure. And now, I had joined them. 

But, since I had been born a human with no magical expertise or talents, I was unable to sink into the river like all those around me. I was cursed to walk the land, forever looking over my shoulder, hoping that no one was nearing me to the point that I would not be able to run away. 

But still, I knew I could not run forever.

A/N: I know it's short, I'm sorry!!! Please forgive me for not writing more. I might continue this or branch off in a later entry, but that's it for now :)

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