November 13

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How can you describe the way your heart aches when you read
How can you describe the beauty of the words on the page
How can you describe the way your head gets lost in the clouds
You never want to fall from the clouds back into the world where you belong
You wish to stay in the pages of the book
Giving your heart to the characters who had claimed you as their own from the beginning
Tracing your hand over the cover as if tracing out a spell that could take you to them
The way you lose all sense of yourself and are lost in the world that you live in
How your friends try to bring you back by tying a ribbon to your foot
But as you fly up to the clouds, the book in your hand, the ribbon slips
It's being undone by those in the story, begging for you to join them
There are those books that make you disappear from the world that you live in
Those are the books that I lose a bit of myself to
They aren't the books filled with dramatic words that are focused on the world that we live in
They aren't the books that I read in school, forced to by the teachers
They're the books I find on the shelves
Decorated with flowers and books, their pages filled with the scent of a new world
These are the books that I fall in love with
The characters between the pages that seem to reach out and take my hand in theirs
These are the characters that wish to pull me into their world and keep me as their own
These are the characters that love me in the way that I wish to be loved
These are the characters that never wish to let me leave
And when I do
They keep a little part of me with them, like a memory
And I to take a bit of them with me
So when I leave the story
I start to cry
For the sadness of losing those I loved
For the happiness of the memory that I shared
And for yet another adventure

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