October 9

3 1 0

A/N: Kidnapping and blood !Trigger Warning!

You woke to find that your hands were tied behind the chair, your ankles bound to the legs at the front. Instead of the usual, you were bound by thick iron shackles, a single chain looping through all of the shackles to bind them together.

"So you're finally awake,"  a smooth voice said from the back of the room. You whirled around and glared at the shadow. A man stepped forward, taller than any that you had seen before, and dressed in a style that would most likely have been more fashionable if he was a valet at a five star hotel rather than the basement that you were in now. 

"What do you want," you asked, keeping your voice steady. The man had forgotten to take one of your weapons from you, and as you slid it into your hand, you were filled with a sense of relief.

"Well, maybe a better question is who am I," the man taunted, stepping in front of you and leaning down so that you were staring at each other. He reached out and with a cold hand, he cupped your chin and raised it so that you were looking at him instead of the floor at your feet. "Or perhaps you already know."

"Of course I know," you smirked. "Why do you think I was following you?"

The man crouched down. "Well then why did you ask what I want?"

"Because I want to know why you saved them," you asked. You knew that you two were not the only ones in this room. There were many more people, bound and gagged, though you didn't know that most of them were bleeding out.

The man chuckled darkly and got to his feet. "You want to know why I recued these people? I'll give you a hint." He leaned closer to you. "I'm not the hero. But I was hungry. And soon, you will be too. So, shall we get started?"

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