November 1

4 1 1

Hope when you take that jump, you don't fear the fall

You jumped off of the swing, staring up at the sky above you. Stars dotted the horizon and beauty shone down all around you, a glow following a shooting star as it arched across the sky.

Hope when the water rises, you built a wall

The waterfall was crashing down around you, your friends laughing as you all watched someone jump off of a tree, grab the rope swing and swing out over the frigid water. As they let go of the rope and plunged into the water below, you all started cheering. You even punched the air with your first out of joy.

Hope when the crowd screams out, screaming your name

You were part of the screaming crowd calling up to your favorite music idol. You had finally managed to see them in person, due to the tickets that your best friend had managed to snag, and here you were, staring up at them as they sang their heart out.

Hope if everybody runs, you choose to stay

You and your friends had left high school after what seemed like forever. And as you walked them walk away, you felt a dull pain in your heart as your hand slowly lowered. But the smile never left your face, in fact, it brightened like the rising sun when one of your friends turned around to wave at you once more before getting into their car.

Hope that you fall in love, and it hurts so bad

You were sitting on the roof of your house, staring up at the stars. The pain in your heart was still there, as you had just broken up with your partner, or rather, they had broken up with you, but instead of feeling sad, you felt free. Like they had been keeping invisible reins on you the entire duration of your relationship, and now you were finally free. So, leaning back, you threw your arms up to the heavens and let out a whoop of joy.

The only way you can know, you gave it all you had

The finish line was nearing and you let out a puff of hot air, your eyes narrowing as you stared at the one person still in front of you. Your energy reserve was all but gone, and gritting your teeth, you scraped at the edges of your reserve, your legs pumping as you crossed the finish line first.

And I hope you don't suffer, but take the pain

You sighed as you sat next to the bedside of your best friend. In the recent weeks, their sickness had gotten worse, and you knew that it was only a matter of time before death came for them, pulling them away from you. But instead of crying, the two of you were smiling and laughing, recalling every fond memory that you had shared together. They had made you promise to live for them when they no longer could. And of course, you had promised.

Hope when the moment comes, you'll say

You were standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea and you felt the wind wrap around you like a chilling blanket. A smile stretched across your face as your arms came up to embrace yourself, trying to preserve what little warmth you had left. 

I did it all

You thought back to everything you had done in your life. 

I did it all

Everything that you had experienced. 

I owned every second that this world could give, I saw so many place the things that I did

You watched as the bright pink, blue, and purple disco lights danced around the floor around you, spinning like a top as the bright disco ball swiveled, nearly to the point where you thought it would somehow manage to unscrew it from the ceiling. Music was blaring in the dark room, and in the middle of it all, you took a swig of your pop and let out a cheer.

Yeah, with every broken bone, I swear I lived

Younger you were sniffling as you sat on the pavement, clutching your bleeding arm. Next to you lay your bike, one of the wheels still spinning. Your dad ran over to you and gave you a comforting smile before hoisting you up and telling you to keep going. And as soon as you were back on your bike, with the hair whipping all around you, you couldn't help but laugh.

Hope that you spend your days, but they all add up

You threw your hands up into the air as you and your best friend drove down the road, singing your heart out as you drove down an empty road. The sun was shining behind you and the radio was turned up nearly to max volume. With the roof of the car down, and no worries left in the world, you felt as free as a bird.

And when that sun goes down, hope you raise your cup

Another day had ended and you raised your cup to the music, laughing with your friends as you all took a drink, saluting the night. It had been a rough day, but you didn't regret taking the time to come and hang out with your friends. You had needed something fun after the day you had.

I wish that I could witness all your joy and all your pain

It was a hard day, and as you entered your apartment, you were greeted with slobbery kisses from your two dogs as they nearly tackled you. Letting out a laugh, you bent down and started rubbing their backs, thanking them for bringing a smile to your face.

But until my moment comes, I'll say I did it all

I owned every second that this world could give, I saw so many places, the things that I did

You glanced down at the clock on your wrist, smirking when you saw that you were going faster than your personal best. You turned the handle on your motorcycle and it turned on a dime, following the curve of the track as you leaned your body into the inside of the loop. 

Yeah with every broken bone, I swear I lived

Limping up the street, using your crutches to try and push yourself along, you couldn't help but laugh. You had done it again. Your friend had dared you to do something that normally wouldn't result in a broken bone, and yet, this time, you had somehow managed to break your leg. But looking back, you couldn't help but laugh. You were so stupid and it hurt like crazy, and yet, for some reason, it was still worth it.

I swear I lived

Don't forget to live your life as full as it possibly can be. Don't just go through life doing what you hate just to make sure you can make ends meet. Make sure that you enjoy life. There will always be things in life that we don't like, but there are also things we can do to make life more enjoyable. 

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