November 18

4 0 1

Things that go through my mind as a writer:
- I am not pregnant, I am naming a character
- What does this character look like? Crap it looks like them!
- I really hope no one looks at my search history. (I needed to research poisons and wounds for the story!!!)
- I like this character... time to kill them
- Does this scene make me emotional? Yes. Will it make the reader emotional? Probably yes... but still a chance of no... Let's make it more emotional
- I suck at writing romance!!!! Send help.
- What did that picture look like again?
- Quick visit to Pinterest to look at that one pic - ooh cookies!
- Why isn't it raining outside today!? I wanna write today!
- I either need hot chocolate or a French vanilla
- Is this good enough?
- Am I using the same words too much or too little?
- Tension?! Not enough... ADD MORE TENSION
- Yes I would love to write now that I'm on break... unfortunately I do not determine when I feel the inspiration
- Screw you (character) for being a downright jerk.... Oh wait... I wrote you to be like that... oops. My bad!

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