July 2

6 1 0

Is it just me or is everyone so caught up in success?

I mean yes, it is a good thing to strive to be successful

I myself want to be successful in life

But this world that we live in is centered around money

It's centered around our survival to the next day and trying to be the best in anything and everything we do

Is it too much to ask that we slow down and just enjoy the life that we were given

Is it too much to ask that I don't have to think about work every single day

It is too much to ask that I don't have to listen to scoldings about how I should be working harder when I'm already putting in all my effort

It it too much to ask that I just be allowed to be a child?

I'm not an adult yet and yet people treat me like one

When they don't treat me like an adult they treat me like an incompetent child

Why can't I just be me

I understand how life works

I understand that it's hard

Trust me I can't go three minutes without thinking about it or hearing about it

But when did we stop appreciating the simple things in life

When did we become so money oriented that we forgot how to relax and have fun

There's always something to do

Always something that needs to be paid off

Always something that needs to be fixed

But why can't we just appreciate what we were given

Why can't we appreciate the time with friends

They aren't an afterthought

Make time

I hate to break it to you, but money isn't going to last forever

One day you make wake up to find it gone

But some things will last

Like friendships 

So try 

Try to make time for your friends

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