July 3

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So I had a Christmas song pop up on my music randomly today and I was surprised at how different I felt. I had been moping around my room after working, my brain way to exhausted to do anything, and I was scrolling through TikTok and a Christmas video popped up. And as I was listening, I found myself smiling.

At the thought of sitting on a plush sofa in front of a roaring fire. A mug of warm hot chocolate clutched tightly in my hands. You could only see my fingers though since I was wearing an oversized knit sweater and had pulled the sleeves over my wrists. A blanket was thrown over my lap, but even beneath that I was wearing my fluffy pajama pants decorated with cute little penguins and a pair of overly-fluffy slipper. 

Music was playing in the background as I stared at the fire flickering in the hearth, the glow from the flames dancing around the wooden walls of the house I was sitting in. It looked more like a cabin, but that's not what really drew my attention. Instead, it was the stockings hanging above the fire and the giant tree propped up in the corner, already decorated with lights and ornaments.

I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to the window, watching as the fluffy snow fell all around the cabin, decorating the ground and the trees with a pure white blanket. A deer stepped out of the tree line and the smile  on my face grew even more.

I've never experienced a Christmas like this. A Christmas away from the city in a small mountain cabin in the quiet serenity of winter. So why is it the picture that keeps replaying in my mind whenever I think of Christmas?

What do you see when you listen to this song?

A/N: Sorry for the Christmas song in the middle of July. I listen to it year round. Oops :)

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