October 21

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So I am currently reading Dracula by Bram Stoker, and it got me thinking. Vampires have changed a lot over the years. We have Dracula, which is (I think) the original vampire story, we have the legends about how the first vampire came into existence, we have things like Twilight and so many other books that hold these creatures of the night in them. We have so many different things related to vampires and I have to wonder if Bram Stoker hoped that his story would be considered to be a classic one day, or the fact that it would be called the "The Original Horror Classic". Stephen King even says "Stoker gives us the most remarkable scenes of horror... each is unforgettable, and no movie has quite done justice to any of them." 

But then that begs the question, what is horror? When I think of horror, I think of blood and guts and stupid people trapped in very unlikely circumstances. I'll admit, I also feel like there isn't a whole lot of plot to horror movies. There I said it, please don't hate me for that. I've also heard people say that they aren't all that scary. So is it just more for the thing of the blood and guts and having a creep factor so you can't sleep at night? 

What's your opinion of horror? Do people just watch it for the thrill? 

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