October 8

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The doorbell gave me an unnerving chill as it rang through my nearly empty house. Why would it be ringing at midnight. I was half tempted to ignore it and go back to sleep, but ever the curious person that I am, I decided that I had better get up and open the door. So, I grabbed a robe from next to my bed, throwing it around my body and tying it tight around the waist. 

I silently cursed whoever had woken me this late at night, as the cool fall air was chilling to the bone, and I hated the sound of the tree branches grinding on the window pane. But, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again until I figured out who was gusty enough to wake me this late at night.

But unfortunately, my answer quickly came when I opened my door to reveal hundreds of roses spread out in large bouquets all over my porch. I felt my skin grow cold and dread wormed its way into my gut, planting a seed of nervousness. I quickly shut the door again and pressed my back against it as I fumbled with the lock. Hearing the click was one of the most satisfying sounds I had ever heard. 

I tore back up the stairs to my room and pulled my suitcase out from under my bed. I probably only had about an hour before he came back in an attempt to take me once and for all. How many times had we done this dance? He would find me hiding in some remote corner of the world, and as soon as he did, he would leave for an hour before returning to collect me. I knew he loved the hunt. Otherwise he would stick around and just wait for me to open the door. 

How long would I have to run from the man? How long would it take for the message to sink in that I no longer loved him like he wanted me to?

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