November 5

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A/N: Blood, fire, and battle trigger warning!

Ever wonder 'bout what he's doin'? How it all turned to lies? 

They had come in the middle of the night, without any sort of warming. Your kingdom's greatest enemy. They had come with their dragons, and you were woken to the sounds of those you loved screaming in pain. The fire had licked at your house, along with all the others on your street.

Sometimes I think that it's better to never ask why

Running from your house, you emerged right into the chaos. Soldiers from your kingdom were storming down the streets to the wall. The enemy had not yet managed to break through, and they weren't about to stop any time soon. You followed the soldiers down to the gate, watching as they leaned all their weight up against the door to prevent the entry of your enemy. 

Funny how the heart can be deceiving more than just a couple times

Dodging a blast of fire, you ran up to the top of the castle wall, clutching your jacket close around your body. The night wind threatened to freeze you where you stood, and as you made it to the top of the castle wall, you felt your blood freeze. Outside of the inner wall, the town that you had loved for so many years was burning before your eyes. 

Why do we fall in love so easy even when it's not right?

A dragon flew over your head, causing you to duck into the shadows of one of the towers, watching as the fire caught on the ground right in front of you. Thinking quickly, you jumped over the flames before they grew too high and ran down the castle wall, watching as your kingdom's soldiers fought off the enemy using arrows and spears.

Every worry that it might be ruined, and does it make you wanna cry?

How had so much destruction come from one single argument? You had traveled to the enemy kingdom three months ago to meet the one that you had been writing to on behalf of the king. You had fallen in love. And now, here you were, brutally fighting each other as if there was never any peace between the two kingdoms.  

When you're out there doing what you're doing, are you just getting by?

When you saw your younger brother fall to an enemy spear, you let out a scream of pain, falling to the ground. Soldiers all around you were succumbing to flames and arrows alike, and as you hid in the shadows of one of the holds, you hugged yourself tight. How had it come to this?

Tell me, are you just getting by?

As you watched from the streets of your small village, the dragon circled back, letting lose yet another burst of agonizing flame that fell and burned the ground below your feet. You jumped back and clutched the pillar in front of you, hoping that it would shield you from the flame. 

Where there is desire, there is gonna be a flame

A soldier fell to the ground, an arrow in his chest. His sword was lying a few feet away from him and you ran out without a second thought, picking up the blade and turning it over so that you could see your reflection through the blood and grime coating the blade. 

Where there is a flame, someone's bound to get burned

You ran up to the top of the castle wall and lifted the sword high, the metal reflecting the light of the sun. Down below you, you could see your people, family, and friends, fighting against the enemy to try and push them out of your town. 

But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die

Before you knew what you were doing, you jumped off of the castle wall and down into the frenzy of the battle, taking down enemy soldiers with you as you fell. You all clattered to the ground, your new sword still clutched tightly in your hand. 

Getting to your feet, you picked yourself up, looking around at the enemy lines in front of you. Some were carrying their own swords and weapons, others had dropped them during the battle and were kneeling on the ground in pain. 

As you glanced to your left, you saw a young man, about the same age as you, looking at you with a pained expression. He didn't want to be in this battle any more than you did. You looked away from him and looked down at the sword in your hand. So much blood had been spilled because of these blades.

Suddenly, in a burst of strength, you lifted the sword above your head. Shouting loud to everyone, you told them that this fight would get them nowhere. You shouted that death had befallen both sides and would continue until there was no one left to fight on either side.

"We have already lost so many people," you yelled. "Neither of us must surrender. But if we form a truce, there would be no more blood spilled!"

You've gotta get up and try

And to your surprise, everyone lay down their arms.

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