August 1

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One day my father, he told me
"Son, don't let it slip away"
He took me in his arms, I heard him say
"When you get older
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Think of me if ever you're afraid"

e said: "One day you'll leave this world behind

So live a life you will remember"
My father told me when I was just a child
"These are the nights that never die"
My father told me
- The Nights (Avicii)

Lately I've been thinking about everything
And I realized something
The people around me don't live
They just survive
They work for money
Because that seems to be the only thing people are worried about
But they're missing out on a wonderful life
You can't be scared to have fun
Because you never know when this life will end
So live every moment you are given
Take risks
And live!

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