September 11

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There are many things in my life that I am scared of

Everyone is scared of something

And yet, those times when I'm scared of doing something

I find myself rising from the ashes like a phoenix even stronger than I was before

It's the little nudge that I need to be the brave person that I know I can be

Even if it's as simple as diving into a frigid lake after being out in the sun for an hour

The fear of what lurks beneath the murky surface of the lake that you can't see

But once you do it

You feel nothing but freedom

No longer scared of doing whatever you were scared to do

Fear is good

It keeps people cautious and safe from doing things that could end their lives

But like everything in life, there are healthy doses of fear

You can't let fear rule your life

But you also can't fear nothing

There's a balance

And though I'm still trying to learn to be a little more at ease

I think I'm starting to learn how to be brave

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