September 17

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A/N: The answer to the last scene I wrote was standing on a cliff during a drab and stormy day over a beach (I know there's no beach in the picture, but I was picturing something that I couldn't find a picture of. Oops). Okay, time for another one, but this one is a little bit different. 

Imagine sitting in front of a fireplace. That much I'll tell you. A fuzzy blanket around yourself, your feet tucked underneath yourself as you think warm thoughts. It's snowing heavily outside, near the blizzard classification, but not quite there. The powder sticks to the glass of the windows like glue, and you can see nothing but serene white outside your window. 

And yet inside, there's a smell. Sweet, with a small hint of bitterness. The suddenness of the bitterness reminds you of the classic saying, "Jack Frost nipping at your nose". The mellow sweetness mixes through the air, floating in from the kitchen where the source of the smell is sitting on the stovetop, having just come out of the oven. The heat guides the smell into every little crevasse of the house, making it smell like the holidays are here again. Of course, the holidays are here. That's the only reason that you were allowed to bake such a scrumptious treat. It's a classic at your house, with the sweet taste melting on your tongue, followed by an equally euphoric bitterness that mixes with a perfect symphony. You can remember the taste from the time you ate it during the last holidays. Mixed perfectly with that chocolate drink that you love so much. The crunch of the outsides, with the slightly gooey center, makes your tastebuds sing, and your eyes flutter close with the pleasure of the homey taste. 

What is it? 

Hint: think related to Christmas, if you celebrate Christmas

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