November 24

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A/N: So I've started watching Arcane on Netflix and Jinx makes me so sad. But I love the show.

There was a low chatter floating around the bar as I entered. It was mostly empty, save a few lone patrons who were out this late for a quick drink before heading off to do whatever they had to tonight. Even the barman was absent, though he was probably just hanging out behind the counter somewhere.

The strange thing was that there was a small and scrawny blue-haired girl sitting at the bar instead of the usual patrons. It looked like she was playing with a wind-up monkey toy. I remembered seeing her around town before, though I had never really taken the time to get to know her, or anyone else down here for that matter. I tended to just stick to myself. That's how you got around down here.

"Your usual," the barman asked, emerging from the back, wiping a glass mug.

I nodded and walked up to the counter, sitting down just as the man slid my drink across the counter. I lifted the drink to my lips, watching the girl out of the corner of my eyes. She seemed to be watching me as well. Maybe it was my black and blue split dye that caught my eye, or maybe it was the scar that ran down the left side of my face. Either way, I can't say I was surprised that she was watching me.

"What's your name," she eventually asked, her voice quieter than a whisper.

"Voace," I said. It was an odd name, but my mother had always loved the unique, and my dad hadn't been around to dissuade her from naming me otherwise. "What about you?"


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