October 25

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I sighed as I lay on my bed, my back pressed up against my headboard, a book in my hand. It was one of the few times that I had time to relax, so I had taken the day for myself, promising myself that I wouldn't do anything productive. A rare occurrence. Soft music was drifting around me as I read, subconsciously humming along with the tune that I had been listening to for the past two months. I had found it a while ago, and I often used it whenever I wanted to get lost in a book.

But, as I was reading, I suddenly felt a cold presence beside me. I sighed and glanced up, glaring at the pale, translucent face behind me. They did nothing but smirk back at me, running their cold hand through my hair.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone while I am reading," I said, though I leaned back on the headboard and set my book down on the bedside table that I had gotten a few weeks ago. I had gotten tired of having to get out of my bed just to make sure that my book didn't end up on the floor.

"But I was getting bored." Their voice was as whispy as the wind, and yet just as physical as having someone sitting next to me. 

How had I ended up sharing a house with a ghost? 

I remembered the first time that I had met him. It was the day after I had moved in and as I had been unpacking one of the many boxes of books that I had brought, he had decided to be a foul welcome party and push over a stack of books that I had brought. Of course, he had chosen to remain invisible at the time, so I had guessed that the wind had simply blown over the stack of books, as I had left the window in the room open. 

I got up to shut the thing, muttering about it being such a hassle as I was just getting comfortable on the floor, only to trip over what seemed to be air. The ghost also had the power of making himself corporeal, which was an extreme hassle to me when he was invisible. I had assumed that it was just a stray book that I had tripped over, as I was never really one to believe in ghosts. 

As I shut the window, I felt a tingle run up my spine, like someone was drifting their finger up my back. I immediately froze, my hands resting on the edge of the now shut window as I glanced over my shoulder. I glanced around the room for something of a weapon-like nature, eventually settling on the ruler that was sitting on the windowsill from when I had come to install new windows. In a split second, I grabbed the wooden handle and swung it around at whoever was behind me. 

The ghost suddenly became visible, along with corporeal, and I watched him as he rubbed his cheek that I had managed to land a solid hit on.

"What was that for," they had asked, looking emotionally hurt.

"Who are you," I asked, pointing the ruler at them like it was a sword. 

They shrugged. "I can't remember my name. What's yours?"

I told them my name. 

"Well then, it seems like we're roommates now." And with that, they disappeared.

So now, I was stuck with them, hoping that they weren't watching me sleep. It had gotten easier over the past few months, as I got used to them popping up randomly when I was watching a movie on the TV with popcorn or when I was reading. Their excuse for bothering me was often that they were bored and I was the only interesting thing in the house. 

"Well," I sighed, turning to them, "Why don't you go and watch something?"

They sighed and turned their body so that their head was resting on my lap. "But there's nothing interesting on to watch!"

"Seriously," I muttered. "You were so excited about that new crime series that just came out."

If their blue skin could turn red, I swear it would be on their cheesk. "I-I am enjoying it. I-It's just more fun..." they paused and glanced up at me. "With you..."

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