November 17

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For some they are a sense of warmth and comfort
For others they are a light to lead the way in a dark house
And for me, they take me far from this world, to one of my own making
Some take me to ancient forest ruins long forgotten by everyone
Others take me to the shore of a stormy sea that begs me to sail away from the land
There are a few that whisk me away to a garden beside a mansion where I work as a simple maid for the family who lives within
With each candle, a story is waiting to be unlocked
Perhaps it is a story that details the way a dragons flame may unlock the golden gate of time
Or maybe it's the story of a woman separated from all she loves, though trying to get them back
Candles are mysteries to me
They are portals to my deepest imagination
They are the windows into the worlds that I have yet to share with you

Year of 365Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz