August 26

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A/N: One of my favorite books ever is the Hobbit (and the Lord of the Rings), so I'm doing a short imagine inspired by the Shire. 

Peace. That was all I felt as I pulled off my hood, allowing my waterfall-like hair to spill out from its cage. As it cascaded down my back, the wind blew it around, though not a strong enough breeze to tangle my hair like it so usually did while I was on the road. 

I started down the gravel road to where my dear friend lived. It had been too long since I was able to come and visit him, as I spent most of my time wandering the world in search of adventures and answers to questions that I was asked. 

My most recent trip had taken me all the way to the border of the land where I had to try and ask a question of a large snake that had nearly killed me as soon as I had entered its lair. All for the sake of asking if its scales were truly made of silver. Thankfully, the snake was kind enough to sacrifice a few old scales that it had been hoarding that I could take with me. 

Coming here, where there were no dangers, was truly amazing. There were few places like this in the world in this day and age, as most were plagued with the dark creatures that were formed in shadow and made from pure evil and nothing else. People said that villains usually had a motivation for why they acted as they did, but sometimes, it was just pure cruelty. I had seen that first hand.

But now, in a land such as this, I could finally relax and put my weapons away, only to be brought out once I set off on the road again. And that wouldn't be for a good long while. My plans would keep me here for at least a week, where I would stay in the company of my friend, Lily. She always kept her home open for me, whenever I wished for rest.

She lived up near the top of the hill in the center of the small town, and there she lived with her small son named Raven. I had been there when Raven was born, and I had been named his godmother, tough I questioned whether having someone who was always out in the midst of dangers was the smartest choice for a godparent. Lily and her husband Farrell disagreed and I was named Raven's godmother, despite my protests.

Standing on the edge of the land, bordered by a pair of willow trees, whose leaves fall over a beautiful wooden archway, I see nothing but peace and joy, and as I step through, I get a beautiful sense of relaxation. Just a sea of rolling hills and farmland, with the odd building here and there, some by the river, and others making use of the hills. People are running around everywhere, children chasing each other and laughing as they play tag in the fields, adults bickering in the market over the price of carrots and ale, and of course, the loud laughter from the tavern, open from the earliest hours of the day to the latest at night. 

It's perfect here.

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