October 30

3 0 0

A/N: Can you tell yet that I have a very particular type of music that I listen to when I'm writing something? ;)

Imagine sitting beneath a large tree in the shadows, carving something into a delicate piece of wood that you had found. The sun was shining brightly overhead, though the temperature was still freezing you, and you would easily have gotten frostbite if not for the fact that you were bundled up tightly in furs and other layers. 


Imagine that as you were sitting there, you suddenly got the feeling that something was off. So you got to your feet, dropping your wood into the pouch that you always kept beside you, and you started off down the path, leading away from your village. It was a path that you had walked multiple times, and yet, this time, it felt like there was something else on the path. Not something good. It was something malicious, with intent to harm. You stole a glance over your shoulder and continued down the path, pulling out your weapon as you walked. 


Imagine that as you emerged over the crest of the hill, you saw what you hoped that you wouldn't. A large army stretched out across the grassland, armed to the teeth with weapons far superior to what your little village owned. 


Imagine that as you stood there, you glanced down at the weapon in your hand and raised the other to the horn on your belt. You lifted it out of its slip on your belt and lifted it to your lips. Blowing into it, you wished that it hadn't been you that had discovered the army, but rather someone else who was more suitable to lead an army into battle. You knew that this battle would be devastating to you and your people, but not one to go down without a fight, you charged forward as your village arrived, your weapon aloft in the air as you charged down the hill.

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