August 20

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What are some of my favorite smells?

1. Rain

We talked about this in my last entry. There's something so calming about the rain that's indescribable. How can you describe a smell that you would use to describe other things?

2. Pine

I have always felt like the forests and mountains call to me, begging for me to explore them. They pull on my heart like someone pulling the rope in a game of tug of war. There are also the Christmas trees that my family gets every year, freshly cut from Christmas tree lots. It's a beautiful smell to wake up on Christmas morning and smell the pine.

3. Campfires

Have you noticed a pattern? I like the smells that are able to take me outside and on an adventure. Campfires always remind me of camping with my family, something that I have not been able to do in a long time

4. Books

How can I begin to describe the smell of books? Even as a young girl, I always loved opening up books simply to stick my nose in them and smell them. Pure bliss.

5. Pumpkin spice

I don't know why so many people hate it, but I absolutely love pumpkin stuff. Maybe it has to do with my love of fall and all things that remind me of fall, but pumpkin is one of the best things out there. I work in a coffee shop and I just got a notification that fall drinks will be coming out soon. You do not understand how excited I was.

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