June 19

3 1 0

Love is a strange thing that I'm still trying to understand

I think the definition of love has changed over time 

I feel like we just throw the word away 

It used to be an almost magical word

To love someone was to give up your life for them

I hear so many stories today of people breaking up and not being friends after

And yet, that's not the story that I've heard from older family and friends

They would date, break up, and still be so close that people would joke about them being siblings

Someone said to me, "If you liked them enough to date them, you like them enough to be friends after"

Do we really just enjoy the drama that much that we can't even look at a person after a breakup

Don't get me wrong, I understand that if things have happened that might not work

But I see a lot of relationships that are perfectly fine and yet they can't be friends after

Maybe it's just me, but I wish I lived in a world where people could still be friends after a breakup

Instead, I see my friends break up and not even speak anymore 

It just hurts

What's your opinion on this?

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