June 18

3 1 0

Do you ever have it where you find a picture online and you suddenly start daydreaming

I think in pictures so this is a normal occurrence for me

I'll read something online or I'll see a picture and something will come to mind

For this picture its fire

A warm fire deep in the forest

The sun set hours ago and yet this small clearing in the woods is illuminated by the dancing flames of a fire

The tree line is thick with shadows but none of the people sitting around the fire care

Instead, their gaze is out over the lake, watching as the light of the fire reaches out across the waves

A wolf howls across the lake and everyone laughs 

It's been a while since they have been able to come to the forest

It's been forever since they could slow down and appreciate the moment

I think people move too fast, rushing from one place to another

Should we take more time to appreciate the simple things in life?

The dancing fire and the smell of marshmallows

The rain as it splatters on your face, washing all your worries awa

The smell of a new summer day after a warm night

I think if we just took a few seconds every day to appreciate something small we could be a lot happier

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