August 30

5 1 1

A/N: I finally caught up to where I'm supposed to be!!!! Yay! Also, I start school in a week -_-

Okay. What are some of my favorite things in this world that I am so blessed to live in?

1. Books and the power of storytelling

I think that humans have been telling stories from the very beginning. No, I know they have. I think we were meant to tell stories. I think that's one of our purposes in life. To tell others about what we've experienced, and to listen and experience everything through the others around us.

2. The forests on the mountains

I absolutely love forests, especially when they cover a mountainside. Do you ever have it where you feel like something is calling to you, like a tug at your heart? That's me whenever I steal a glance at the mountains outside my window. They're often covered in a blanket of mist or fog, sometimes drenched with rain, and that's when they call to me the most. On the dark days when everyone is trooping around miserably, the mountains call. They want me to explore every little valley between them, and climb to their peaks and shout from the top so that all the world could hear me.

3. Museums and knowledge

Humans are naturally curious. So why wouldn't I love the places in our world that hold knowledge from past eras. Old news articles, traditions passed down through time that would have been forgotten if not for their preservation in glass and stone.

4. Mysteries

Not necessarily in the many books that I read, but in my everyday life that I see. Why was it built like that, so long ago? When was this architecture style considered to be part of this world, or this world style? Where do the legends come from, and how have they survived this long if not proven true? What happened to that treasure that sank with that feared pirate? Where did the lost city of Atlantis disappear to? 

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