November 15

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These are the feelings that some books give to me
Some are so twisted that you are able to see the beauty between the lines
Others you are enchanted by the way that the fairies dance across the ground
And still some steal your breath as the characters progress, leaving a legacy in your heart
And some of those stories remind you of others that you've read
The dangerously beautiful ones that remind you of a glass of wine sitting alone on an elegant table
The twisted ones that remind you of a story long forgotten, though with a new thrill
Ones with a dark feeling that makes your spine tingle
Or the ones that make you feel comforted in a thunderstorm
The beauty between the pages enraptured you in a way that you can't explain
The thrill of being chased through a misty forest, a shadow beast at your heels
Discovering a magical flower bed with fairies doomed to never leave
Or the haunted castle that stands on the top of the hill, the only place for miles

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