June 8

7 1 0


A time for heat and relaxation

Sometimes the heat gets too intense

I much prefer the cold of winter to the heat of summer

But I enjoy the feeling of being able to fully relax 

To not worry about the stress of everyday life

Just being able to relax in my house with fans aimed on my body as I read a book

Ice-cold teas and frappes to keep me cold

And the lack of clouds that block out the moon at night

The air smells like summer every time I step outside my door

Like flowers and fresh-cut grass

And a smell that I can't put my finger on

There's really only one thing I would describe it as

The summer breeze blowing through cities as it tries to lure everyone out of their houses

The breeze and the sun call people who normally stay inside, wanting them to join in the dance outside

Crackling fireplaces in campgrounds

The smell of marshmallows roasting on an open fire

Hearing the voices of friends gathered around a fire singing songs that they hadn't sung since they were children

It's a refreshing time

No worries

No stress

Just summer

A peaceful time

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