September 10

6 1 1


It's something that I've underestimated

There are many different types of friends

There are the ones that you don't know how you would get along without

There are those who used to be closer to you than you ever thought possible but then you grew apart over time

There are the ones who you want to be closer with and yet you seem to just stay at a distance

But there are times when these boundaries between friends disappear

Something will happen and what defines the friendships between people change

Excitement will come your way and suddenly, you can't care what your relationship is

You'll be sitting next to someone that you've hardly spoken to, laughing about whatever is happening in front of you

Those who you deem your closest friends will be nowhere in sight, most likely talking with some of their other friends

There are just situations where people can just be friends and laugh about whatever

Those are the times when worries just slip away 

You forget what you were stressed out about that morning

Your shoulders relax and you feel lighter than you have in years

You can't help but laugh

The sun is bright, both outside and inside

And you grow closer to people that you never thought you would

Friendships are rekindled and grow, even though you never thought that possible

So let's not forget about our friends

They are some of the most important people in our lives, even when they don't feel like they should be

I've been told that I struggle with loyalty, as in I'm too loyal to people

But I beg to differ

 I think being loyal is a good thing, especially to your friends

Loyalty is what helps me fix possibly broken friendships

I'm able to fix friendships that I never thought I would be able to

So hold your friends close

You just might have a day when you want some friends by your side to laugh with

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