July 24

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When did we stop doing the things we used to

When did we decide that we were too old to play a certain game

Watch a certain show

Why did we decide that we had to stay up with the moon to prove that we were old enough

When did we feel the need to let go of the simple pleasures that we had as a child

A hug from your mother or father

Sitting in your grandmother's sitting room on a Saturday morning, watching as she baked a fresh batch of cookies

I think we all hit a stage where these thoughts enter our mind again

We wonder when we grew up

We wonder where the time went

It feels like just yesterday we were kids, still watching our favorite tv show

And now, here we are

Years older

In some cases we're decades older than that one memory that we have from our childhood

And when they days get rough

That memory pops up

Like a lighthouse in a storm

Reminding us that we've grown through the tough times

And we'll keep growing

We'll keep improving

But it's also a reminder

Like something tethered to your arm that keeps pulling you back

It's okay to have fun sometimes

It's easy to get lost in the storm of life

The clouds roll in and we get lost on the raging sea

But the lighthouse is always there

Guiding us back so solid ground

Safe and secure

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