October 29

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A/N: So I'm gonna try something. I'm gonna try and tell a story, but I'm not going to use any sentences for it. It's just going to be a few words that I think could tell a scene, but each word is like a sentence, and then I'll write a short entry underneath with more detail and see how they compare.

Forest... Footsteps... Panting... Following... Chasing... Enemy... Hours... Battle... Lost...  



The forest was filled with the mist of the morning, and though most of the forest was quiet at this time, save the odd crow from the ravens overhead or the howl of a wolf in the far-off distance, I could hear the footsteps behind me. They were drawing ever closer, the sounds mingling with my foggy breath as my breath came out in panting heaves. They had been following me since I left the battlefield, hoping that I would make it back to the village before they caught up with me. But I hadn't accounted for them chasing me. The village wasn't aware that I was attempting to return, nor did they know that I could be bringing the enemy back with me, but that wasn't what I was thinking about now. All I could think about were the hours that I had spent running, and the battle that I had just run from. I would have stayed to fight, but my commander ordered me to return to the village to try and raise the alarm of the other villages who were next in line to be attacked. But I doubted that it would do any difference now. Everything was lost. My family had been lost in the battle. My reason for life had been lost in that battle. And my hope was slowly dying as well. But still, I ran through the woods, searching for my village. I wasn't one to go down without a fight. 

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